Tuesday, 10 February 2009

My First blog

Since this is my first blog I'm not quite sure how to begin I guess topic or subject matter would be the first port of call. But I ask myself Why start a blog? Who cares what I say? Why do I care what I say? When should I do my first entry? I'm not sure If I know enough to blog!

There seems to be a lot of this blogging going around and I have been following sporadic threads leading me into the unknown depths of the internet, I casually glimpse at other people's lives and opinions, gather snippets of their knowledge and expertise, see art work and holiday snaps and read a whole array of different topics. So I think a blog is whatever you want it to be. A diary, a news feed, a folio, a rant you name it there is a blog on it.

So what about a blog on blogging? well sadly that kind of blog exists and quite extensively too. But whilst on my blog search and browse mission (is there a term for this? there seems to be for everything else.) I cam across numerous things of interest to me. So if you don't mind I would like to share a few of my current finds now and even see how Blogs have worked for others.

fffound is ablaze with things that make my eyes pop out of my head! such design and creative loveliness that I make regular trips to see what kind of Ideas I am missing out on! This site should come with a warning to all design bods and creatives, too much good stuff can it be a good thing?

typeneu - Truly pretentious use of type is very prevalent I love it! and a really nice layout too. I love navigating it, although it does require quite a bit of effort, let me know any thoughts on this kind of web page layout.

Septemberindustry More nice design Bloggage.

Now for some stuffage that I just like:

Monsterism! So OK this is a tribute to Pete Fowler artist and Illustrator who has been around for Donkeys now but I used to really be into his stuff. In fact I still like his style a lot. I enjoyed collecting some of his work and vinyl figures.

Then there is card boy I loved these guys as soon as I saw them! You purchase them in blind packs unfold the box up into himself, hey presto card boy! Lovely vector styling and it's been creatively updated too, with OXO boxes, old printer cartridge boxes and shoe boxes. (I have a thing for card board robots.) if you look on the card blog he has done some visuals for star wars specials. I'm glad the designs didn't go ahead, I must admit I'm getting a bit sick of the star wars band wagon merch "And discuss..."

However if you fancy trying out being a fan of card boy on the home page, get the PDF of the OXO box card boy calender! Print out an construct I'm gonna make mine as soon as I can.

Picture of the day (I'm gonna try and keep this up):

So I guess its taking shape I have put up some blogs and I uploaded an image from today I'm doing a blog on me, by me and for me! If you happen to "get on my thread" and even become a reader or subscriber then I guess your comments and feedback may shape the way my blog develops.

But for now its easiest to say life, design and other things.

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